Previous Hypothetical Campaigns

In support of Your Favorite Bear for the Sweet Livin’ Productions World Famous World’s Best Bear Poll

We have researched previous hypothetical World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll Campaigns fictional people have run in order to get their favorite bear to win the Poll.  Now we are publishing that exclusive research for the first time ever here and reporting it to you in order to provide you with good modeling or scaffolding of how you might run a similar successful campaign yourself.  

Please note, these previous campaigns are hypothetical, but the World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll is very real.  

We may need to repeat this, just to be clear.  These hypothetical campaigns are hypothetical (currently, perhaps some of them could happen in the future; the world is unpredictable, and as they say, “Life imitates art [and campaigns for your favorite bear]”), but the results of the World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll are real.  Your vote does actually count (not only one of your votes, but however many times you choose to vote, which could be up to 8 times in your 8-hour workday as you can vote once per hour) and the results of the Poll are legitimate and should be studied at universities (but only the most prominent ones) across the globe.