Previous Hypothetical Bear Campaign #15


The World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World Best Bear Poll

Janelle was a campaign manager for a high profile hypothetical political candidate.  Janelle initially believed in the candidate, but ultimately realized her campaign work benefitted the candidate more than the constituency. And Janelle cared about the constituency.

She care about people.

But she also cared about bears.

Janelle promptly quit that “good” position and decided to work for free for her college roommate who wanted her favorite bear to win a World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll, but did not know how to successfully run a campaign herself.  Unlike the aforementioned politician, Janelle’s college roommate was selfless and cared more about her constituents, the Giant Panda, than she did herself.  This story has a happy ending as the Giant Panda won the previously alluded to hypothetical World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll and has since made a comeback

Karma was good on Janelle’s old college roommate who found happiness through her selflessness in her World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll Campaign.  Janelle is currently being headhunted by other high profile hypothetical candidates to run their campaigns, but instead she has been focused on improving the world, primarily by saying Sweet Livin’ a lot, but also by helping humans and animals alike in various charitable and volunteering endeavors.   

A better story has never been told (in politics) but is often told in World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Polls and World Famous Sweet Livin’ Productions World’s Best Bear Poll Campaigns.