Of the many talented & beautiful supermodels all over the world, Sweet Livin’ Supermodels are the sweetest, most talented, most beautiful & most super.
Hernica Jean-Charles:
2023 Sweet Livin’ Supermodel
The Sweet Livin’ Blues
For years, “I got the blues” meant that the speaker was sad or even depressed.
No more.
We can clearly see in the fabulous photo above that 2023 Sweet Livin’ Supermodel Hernica Jean-Charles is wearing blue; and we also can clearly see that 2023 Sweet Livin’ Supermodel Hernica Jean-Charles is neither sad nor depressed. #HIPAAViolation #SelfReporting
In fact, she is happy and feels great.
In other words, she has the Sweet Livin’ Blues.
Would you rather feel sad and depressed with the regular blues or happy and great with the Sweet Livin’ Blues?
The choice is yours.
Hernica has made her choice.
Now it is time for you to make yours. As super, beautiful, and sweet as 2023 Sweet Livin’ Supermodel Hernica Jean-Charles looks in blue, she also looks super sweet, beautiful, and super and other colors as well.
What shade of sweetness does Hernica appear the sweetest in? Take part in the global history (of t-shirt sweetness) by voting in this poll. Don’t be a bystander of history (as it pertains to sweet apparel); be an active participant.
Vote now, vote later, vote often (ideally once an hour). Sing the Sweet Livin’ Blues. It’s a tune worth repeating.
“Profiles in Courage by JFK is such a boring book that I didn’t even read it. Hernica Jean-Charles’s profile is such a sweet livin’ profile that I did read it. And it was sweet.”
— Anonymous (sporadic) Reader.
“Vote for me—or me in a different Sweet Livin’ shirt.”
— Interpretative Analysis of this Photo by an Allegedly Budding Expert Photo Interpreter
“Polls don’t usually ask my opinion because they say I am not representative of anyone in the larger public. So that makes me bitter. But this poll encourages me to vote in it every hour, and so I do—that is Sweet. Sweet Livin’, in fact. The Sweetest, in further fact.”
— Anonymous New Poll Respondent
Whatever it is, the way you model it online can make all the difference.
“A t-shirt is just a t-shirt. When you put the words Sweet Livin’ on it, it just becomes the greatest t-shirt in the world. When it is modeled by 2023 Sweet Livin’ Supermodel Hernica Jean-Charles, it becomes the greatest article of clothing ever designed.”
—Person, IQ Undisclosed
The Dream
It all begins with an dream. Maybe you read it in an issue of Word Up! magazine. Maybe you dreamed a dream of “a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft and their words inviting." Maybe you dreamed of California “on a winter’s day.”
Or maybe you dreamed bigger.
Which you did, because you are here right now.
Because you dreamed of the sweetest, most talented, most beautiful, and most super supermodels in the world.
Sweet Livin’ Supermodels.
Do don’t remember doing so?
Well, it is a well-known fact that no one remembers all of their dreams.
So, we are here to remember them for you.
At least your biggest one.