Many Mini-Movie-Magic Marvels:
The Sweet Livin’ M&M&M&M&Ms
Noting the success of sweet snack M&Ms as well as the very popular rapper Eminem, Sweet Livin’ Productions realized that it needed to produce more things with M’s at the beginning of words in order to find success and appeal to a wide audience. Considering that Eminem has combined two M’s (Marshall & Mathers) while M&Ms has also combined two M’s (Mars & Murrie, but no one cares), Sweet Livin’ Productions did some calculations and realized that equaled 4 M’s total. Therefore, if we could create something with 5 M’s, we could achieve the impossible of exceeding the success of both Eminem the rapper and M&Ms the candy—combined. In a daring move, Sweet Livin’ Productions pushed the limits of alliteration with the 5-M Many Mini-Movie-Magic Marvels.
But What Are The Many Mini-Movie Magic Marvels?
A marvelous collection of web series that include both Sweet Livin’ and a word starting with M in the name.
Why Aren’t People Calling Sweet Livin’ Productions “Genius” for Doing This?
Because “Genius” does not begin with an “M.”
But math does. So:
Eminem + M&M < What you are about to see below.