Gunslinger Voting

Top Gunslinger Polls are not just done willy-nilly by some drunken underachiever pouring unusual amounts of Black Velvet Whisky down his throat in the basement of a house with an inconsistently flushing toilet you really need to know your way around the handle of to smoothly operate.

They are also done through (limited) democracy. Yes Cleisthenes, the father of democracy, birthed democracy and went into exile so you could enjoy Top Gunslinger Polls.

To ensure (limited) integrity in the any (limited) democratic process it is necessary to have (limited) transparency in the process like in the transparent ballot box above where you can see the ballots enter the box but cannot see what is on the ballots because they are folded.

Combining the philosophies of Cleisthenes with the more modern philosophies of the stock photo above allowed us to bridge the multi-millennium (millennia) gap of previously un-properly connected ideas that resulted in the desert of human history (everything until 2022) of no Top Gunslinger Polls to develop the most democratically gunslinger system to date for establishing, nurturing, cultivating, and advancing Top 25 Gunslinger Polls to ensure their existence and continued existence. #Posterity

That may seem like a mouthful (of Black Velvet Whisky), so let’s put that in clearer terms more easy to digest:


To become an official SLP Gunslinger Poll Voter and ensure that you have done something worthwhile with your life, you need to receive official documents like these when you least expect it.

What are these documents exactly beyond their initial good looks and attractive appearance?

Let’s have a closer look.

This is the centerpiece of not only the above photograph above this above photograph that showed 3 documents and not only the centerpiece of one’s right to be a an official SLP Top Gunslinger Voter, but also the centerpiece of anyone’s life for the few fortunate select that possess one of these rare documents.

You will note that this has been handwritten in the calligraphy of one of London’s top calligraphers (on Etsy). You will also note that it has been endorsed by Spider Man, or at least his quote appears on the bottom. You will also note that a key number in this actual official document has been blurred out to ensure safety, confidentiality, and integrity in the SLP Top Gunslinger Poll voting process; when you have to blur certain things out, you know it’s real and important. You will also note that this document is extremely well-written in a style previously alien to pseudo-semi-legal literature. You will also note many other wonderful and interesting attributes of the above document on your own time if you are a mindful and meticulous person. As for us, we need to move forward.

What is different from the SLP Official Gunslinger Poll Policies & Procedures than your employer’s boring and restricting policies and procedures other than the overall sexiness inherent in SLP Official Gunslinger Poll Policies & Procedures?

The Official SLP Gunslinger Voting Stamp.

If your employer has put this stamp on anything, it either means you work for Sweet Livin’ Productions or your employer should be committed to a mental health institution of very restrictive measures.

In other words, this stamp is rare and exclusive—and restrictive to only those who have successfully completed the intensive Official SLP Gunslinger Voting Stamp application and usage unofficial training.

We highly suggest considering ignoring any document anywhere that is not endowed with this stamp.

As clearly seen above, the Official Gunslinger Poll Ballot is also endowed with the Official SLP Gunslinger Voting Stamp. Any alleged ballot that does not include this stamp is immediately null and void not only in our eyes but also in the eyes of Gunslinging Ghosts of generations past as well as present-day God. Any unscrupulous idiot with a printer or copier can print out ballots, but not any unscrupulous idiot can put the Official SLP Gunslinger Voting Stamp on an official ballot: you must have the Official SLP Gunslinger Poll Voting Stamp to do that. #Two-StepVerification

Not only is the first page of the Official Ballot stamped, but also every page thereafter which we have not given examples of here due to the time considerations of all our needs to go out and do some gunslinging later today so we can feel good about ourselves.

What’s wrong with these documents here?

There are two red flags:

1) They are not endowed with the Official SLP Gunslinger Voting Stamp, which means they are not real and instead are complete frauds, not completely unlike the criminal counterfeiters of old who would print fake currency rather than go out and do a real day’s gunslinging to put food on their family’s plates, which would be on a table and not a floor.

2) They are on the floor. Nobody in their right mind would toss something valuable like their wedding ring or pacemaker on the floor so carelessly. As such, we know these are not official Gunslinger Voter documents.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this is the blueprint for creating an effective (limited) democracy that people can trust.