2Pac Friday
27 December 2024
Featured Track:
The Uppercut
Yesterday was Boxing Day. And this is the Boxing Day of Boxing Day, of sorts. And so “The Uppercut” is an appropriate track.
And not only for the name, but also for the fact this is off of 2Pac’s 5th posthumous studio album. In other words, just like on Boxing Day we eat the leftovers boxed up from Christmas as it is the day of leftovers where the rich would give their servants leftover gifts after the latter worked the former’s lavish parties.
By the time Loyal to the Game was released, 2Pac already had a huge posthumous catalog, including multiple double albums. As such, his material had been well picked over, and some might consider this a “leftover.”
But 2Pac leftovers are better than the top singles of most, which couldn’t survive this Uppercut.
Happy Belated Boxing Day!
Happy 2Pac Friday!